Sol 4.14.22
Photon Philosophy
Photons bounced around in this alien star for a hundred thousand years or so…
ORION – A Completed Project
A Giant 2.5 Gigapixel image of the Orion Constellation by Matt Harbison.
The Marathon Sky Survey
A new project begins…
Happy Holidays!
I don’t -for one second…
Ancient Vistas
A 22 hour look at Barnard 33.
Antlia Pro 50.8 LRGB + Narrowband Filters: Revisited
It’s been a few months since I originally posted concerning the new Antlia Pro filters. First off, I want to be give props to folks […]
Weird Solitude
This past summer I read John Van Dyke’s book: The Desert. It really sat with me because of his beautiful language describing the desert. I must say I was excited to finish the book after the first few pages. There’s a loyal dog (Cappy)