My name is Matt and I’m an Episcopal Church Worker by day, and an Amateur Astronomer by night! I’ve loved science my whole life and this website is a connection to that love.
From the above navigation menu, you’ll find links to my social media presence, my personal blog, image gallery, live telescope cameras, and occasional builds and projects in the works. I am also displaying my work from the last five years- Project Orion: A 200 panel mosaic containing over 500 hours of imaging time and 2000+ individual images.
From here, I would also direct folks to my astronomical society in Chattanooga- The Barnard Astronomical Society of Chattanooga. It can be found here: https://www.barnardastronomy.org
And my other great resource is the Marathon Skypark, where my telescope resides in Marathon, TX. www.marathonskypark.com
My hope is this will become a place for curiosity and education for my community, both near and far.
Thanks for visiting and clear skies!