A Space-tastic web series introduction video is online.

What do you get when you combine ten years of astronomical imaging, time lapse, and planning?
A new Web Series Introduction Video for my YouTube Channel, that’s what!
I’ve compiled my favorite footage from several amazing astronomical events to create a web series introduction video for my new online series. In the video you can see:
– Time Lapse of the 2019 Lunar Eclipse
– Footage from my live cameras installed in my remote observatory
– Images compiled of the 2019 Solar Eclipse
– Solar time lapse of an ISS transit
– Time Lapse of a meteor explosion
– Time Lapse of Orion rising
– Time Lapse of the firefly synchronization under an ISS pass
– Time Lapse of a typical observing session at my local dark site
– And finally, one fantastic song written and performed by Jonathan Burkette
This is just SOME of the fun I’ve had over the years, for more images, jump over to my image gallery to explore some more: https://space4everybody.com/image-gallery/ or
you can also view the entire video of the observatory footage here: https://space4everybody.com/1-million-views/
I hope you the video inspires you to seek out the night sky, and please make sure to LIKE & Subscribe to the page if you liked it!