An Astronomy Video Series, A Long Time Coming!
After many years of my friends encouraging me to get serious about some video content pertaining to my astronomical endeavors, I’m finally taking the plunge. Over the next few months, I plan to release an Astronomy Video Series, complete with one video a week to explore the viability of an astronomy website for beginning astronomers and astrophotographers. I’ll do this with my own or borrowed equipment to remain unbiased and honest when it comes to use. If at some point I do find some sort of sponsorship, I will make sure to keep my followers informed. I also hope to distribute all of my content across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Channels- and speaking of YouTube, while you are watching the video on the S4E YouTube Channel, please give it a LIKE and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the Channel!
Additionally, as I kick things off, I’d appreciate any shares, follows, subscribes, or recommendations you can give me, as well as input for new content. Here’s a basic break down on what’s coming initially:
General Astronomy Information to Get Started
– Where to Start in Astronomy (Next Weeks)
– How to Observe the Night Sky
– Rainy Day Observations & Prep Work
– Telescope Types & Examples
– Eyepiece Types & Basic Understanding
– Telescope Mounts- Observing vs. Imaging
– Basic Solar Observing and Imaging
Various Telescope Equipment Reveals, Overviews, & Reviews -Mounts, Telescopes, Eyepieces, and Cameras)
– Takahashi FS-60(Q)
– Takahashi FOA-60(Q)
– Takahashi FS-76DC
– Takahashi FS-76DS
– Takahashi FC-100Dz
– Takahashi TSA-120
– Sky-Watcher 100mm Evostar
– SharpStar 61
– ZWO ASI Air System
– ZWO 294MC Non-Cooled for EAA
– Sky Watcher EQ6-R Pro
– Sky Watcher 127Mak/Cass with AZ-Gti
– Rowan AZ100 Alt/Az Mount
– DM4 Alt/Az Mount
– Astro Devices Nexus DSC system
– Various Eyepieces
– Eyepiece Camera Holders
Walkthrough Videos with Tips & Tricks**
– Basic Polar Alignment of a Telescope for Astrophotography Purposes
– Astronomical Guiding How-to
– Basic setup of a Visual Observing Telescope
– Basic setup of an Astrophotography Setup
So why the ” **” ? Well, astronomy and astrophotography require some wherewithal and patience. While I know I can’t cover EVERY single aspect, I hope to start a conversation on the above topics that will inform and instruct folks on a good starting place, hence the ” ** “.
Honestly, I’ve got my work cut out for me. Along the way, I’m hoping for your feedback and helpful suggestions! Basically, pretty much anything other than, “You Suck”- Ha! So please consider giving this video a share and help me spread the word!
In addition to helping me spread the word, remember you can always help out by purchasing some of my Astrophotography from my online print shop. From GIANT 30×60 Metal Prints of Orion to several astronomy related prints, any and all purchases help me keep the website and mosaic sites running! People ask me all the time how they can contribute, well, hop on over to the online store and purchase a print or two!

Finally, this is also a good time for me to mention my INTRO to the video series featuring my favorite time lapses from over the years and a commissioned title track called- “SpaceTastic” created by one of the most talented musicians (and a former student) I’ve ever known- Jonathan Burkette. You may remember the song from my Orion Mosaic launch. I hope you enjoy it, and AGAIN, if you do, please LIKE it and SHARE it!
I’ll be back next week!
Matt Harbison
Space Enthusiast
Owner/Operator – Space For Everybody
I’ve already shared. So exited for you and I’m looking forward to learning a lot. Thanks for your hard work.
Thank you so much, Natoka!