I wanted to post a link to my astronomical society’s recent series on astronomy entitled, “Beginning Observing Basics”. This series is aimed at folks who are just getting into astronomy.
My society’s program coordinator Ralph McConnell and a past president, Dr. Richard Clements came up with the idea to help out the influx of new members from the pandemic. The program is broken down into easy to grasp discussions around an hour long with many tips that most of us take for granted. The hard work of these folks for our society (currently 110 members and growing weekly) has paid off with almost 20 members (new and former members) seeking the AL League’s Galaxy Challenge.
Here are the three parts of the series to date, with a few more planned. Part IV will be next Thursday at 7pm EST on FB Live and YouTube. There’s no advertising or monetization, just a dedicated society of amateurs who seek to educate and enrich the discipline.
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/BarnardAstro
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BASChattanooga

Part II – Beginning Observing Basics – Telescope Basics – https://youtu.be/LJPwBg9TvEI
Part III – Beginning Observing Basics – Beginning Observing https://youtu.be/M9V-8_ijH5g

Part IV- Beginning Observing Basics – Beginning Star-Hopping – Coming Thursday, May 12th @ 7pm EST