Each image captured for the mosaic received the following process in Pixinsight.
Single Image Processing
-Master dark frame created
-Batch Pre Processing script run for each channel ( 12 180s light frames ) to create L, R, G, & B master frames.
-Cosmetic Creation script used to remove unwanted noise and defects.
-Each image cropped slightly with Dynamic Crop (with same process) script to remove unfavorable edges.
-Each image received an Automatic Background Extraction.
Screen Transfer Function used to reveal each integrated, cropped, and background neutralized master channel frame. (L, R, G, & B)
-LRGB Combination tool used to create the RGB master frame.
Photometric Color Calibration tool used for accurate color recreation.
-Screen Transfer Function applied to master RGB frame to reveal color calibrated image.
-Histogram Transformation Tool used to create the non-linear (stretched) RGB Image.
-Screen Transfer Function applied to the master L frame to reveal properly calibrated image.
-Histogram Transformation Tool used again to create the non-linear (stretched) L image.
-LRGB Combination Tool used once more combining the master Luminance frame to the master RGB frame with Chromatic Noise Reduction selected in the tool.
-Master LRGB image is then plate solved with the Image Solver tool and save as a Frame14x.
-Creation of a PNG overlay via the Annotate Image script and saved.
-Master folder creation of a Master L,R,G,B, and LRGB.xisf + LRGB.tif.
-Notes taken for each image- central star in each image, date of acquisition, RA + DEC, temperature of frame, type, # of frame, and corresponding number of planned mosaic.
-Repeat x 270
-Each master image retains it’s master plate solve after saving in the single image process.
-All (200) L images loaded into Mosaic By Coordinates Tool
-24 hours of astrometric solutions applied reveals 200 4gb registered images at a resolution of 65,000 x 39,000.
-Repeat for each channel- R,G, & B.
-Repeat for LRGB Masters-
-Master registered frames are then input to Gradient Merge Mosaic.
-22 hours later the complete master channels were output.
-22 additional hours later and the complete master LRGB image was output.
-The final image displayed is a merge of the LRGB color master image and the Luminance master frame.
-Photoshop was used to render the final image and adjust color levels to my taste.