Each image (panel) of my 200-panel mosaic was shot with a 5.5″ scope and a 16200 mono camera. There are 12 individual images per filter (L-R-G-B) for a total of 2.4 hours per individual panel. I estimate that I re-shot over 70 panels because of subpar seeing, etc. That calculates to over 500 hours of imaging. Aside from the basic process of acquisition and calibration, I’ve had to learn so many new disciplines along the way- basic coding for work with Linux, Raspberry Pi utilization (that I built as observatory cameras), and general html work for the presentation of the project.
It’s been an adventure.

Below is a breakdown of the numbers.
267 Individual panels (including reshoots)
12,816 Individual light frames
65,000 x 35,000 in it’s entirety
5 States traversed to image
640.8 Imaging hours
500+ Editing hours*
2.5 Gigapixel Image
1.6 Pixel scale
5 Years
1 Mosaic