I’ve spent the last six years collecting data for this project. Amid the Covid closures, I’ve had many late nights compiling channel data for my massive mosaic and have just finished the Luminace channel. I’d like to wait until it’s all done, but my excitement is getting the best of me. I can’t stress this enough it’s a ROUGH DRAFT. My computer is not powerful enough to master the data correctly. At present, I’m saving funds to build a new PC to tackle this task.
To date, I’ve collected over 200 panels of L,R,G, & B Data to create a 60,000 x 38,000 pixel mosaic of the Orion Constellation. Each panel represents 12 individual frames per channel. Once combined into master channels (with appropriate calibration frames), I save them for use in the Mosaic process of Pixinsight. The individual registered frames exported from the Mosaic by Coordinates script of Pixinsight are 29.9 GB each ( a total of 24TB of data in the non linear channel data).
See if you can find these little guys above in the larger image.
Needless to say, my 2012 Dual Xeon Mac Pro locks up at a 1/6 of the mosaic so I’ve had to be creative to view this data together. This is 36 panels of L data combined in Pixinsight and exported as a 16bit tiff. I then place the 1/6 pieces onto a Photoshop canvas to move the pieces together… it is a ROUGH DRAFT. There are seams, there are smudged stars, but the data represents a proof of concept for me, so in that regard, have a look.
The above image is a placeholder jpg. Make the jump to the Orion Lum Test for a full size but EXTREMELY compressed zoomable journey into Orion. I’m running up against size constraints at every turn these days.
If any of you want to get on the horn to NASA and get me some time on one of their supercomputers, or fund a new PC for me to finish this monster, be my guest.
There is certainly… MORE to come!