Web Links (Links open in new window)
View the presentation here:
Stellar Magnitude Explained: Celestron Website
More Stellar Magnitude Explained: Earth Sky Website
Download Sky Safari on Google App Store ($4.99 at time of this writing)
Download Sky Safari on Apple App Store ($4.99 at time of this writing)
Sky Safari Website
Astro Devices (Nexus DSC Pro) Website
**Must be a member of the Barnard Astronomical Society to receive pin.
UPDATE # 1 -It has been brought to my attention that possibly, more information is needed on HOW to achieve completing the list and receiving the pin, so here are some steps to aid in this endeavor.
UPDATE # 2 – A GIANT thanks to Richard Clements and his help fine tuning the “Welcome to the Neighborhood” Observing list for the BAS of Chattanooga. Thanks to Richard, the list is now an easily downloadable pdf that you can print out and use in your observations. Richard also penned some wonderful instructions on how to successfully complete the list.
1- Join the Barnard Astronomical Society of Chattanooga
2- Download the above list, OR, use the worksheet below (pdf) to locate, observe, and record the required information directly onto the worksheet.
If the above list confuses you, please have a look at the Beginning Observer Basic Series of the BAS of Chattanooga to answer simple questions on finding objects, how telescopes work, and how to hop to targets.
Once you feel up to the challenge, complete the simple worksheet above (Thanks again to Richard Clements) to receive your pin! Submit the worksheet to the BAS of Chattanooga before June 1, 2023.